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E-Safety and Safeguarding at Abacus

Information for Parents

Essex Police


With recent news items regarding Social Networking websites, Essex Police are providing information to young people and parents on the possible dangers these websites can bring.


CEOP's Think u Know


Offers parents, teachers and young people latest information on popular sites, what's good, what's not and what you can do about it.

Get Safe Online


Gives computer users advice to help them use the internet confidently, safely and securely.

NSPCC Website
Letter regarding Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and parental/carer awareness.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
Effective Support for Children and Families in Essex

Child Protection Policy September 2022

Click the button above to view a video all about how to stay safe online.

Online Guides For Parents

Multi-Award-Winning Website for online Safety Education for the Whole School Community

Click the logo for online resources to support your children's online safety.

Age restrictions for online activity
Fortnite Information
Fortnite Information- Top Tips for Parents

Online Grooming Parents Guide

Instagram Parents Guide

Snapchat Parents Guide

WhatsApp Parents Guide

YouTube Parents Guide

App Store Parents Guide

Online Bullying Parents Guide

Screen Addiction Parents Guide

MOMO Parents Guide

Roblox Parents Guide

Tik Tok Parents Guide

Get Smart About Children's Devices

Parent's Guide to Internet Controls

Get smart about devices in your home

Telegram Parents Guide

Parents guide to You Tube-Kids

Snapchat- A Parent's Guide


Keeping Children Safe Online

Click the image to open the website

There are seven agencies in Essex who are jointly responsible by law for keeping children safe. These are called the Statutory Partners and they are the key decision makers who form the ESCB Executive and are responsible for the direction of travel (with identified relevant partners). The work of the Board is carried out by the Sub-Committees, Stay Safe Groups and Task and Finish Groups. The voice of the child and family will regularly be heard by using existing service user panels, school councils and youth groups.


At the heart of everything we do, is a commitment to work together to keep children safe, by ensuring the highest quality safeguarding arrangements and continuously improving practice. 

Essex Safeguarding Children Board- Online Safety information- Click the box to open the page...

Essex Safeguarding Childrens Board

3rd February 2022
Facebook Live Event with The 2 Johns.
This is a free to attend online event where The 2 Johns will be delivering a session talking about how to keep our children safe online. This is not our usual Q and A event. Unlike our Q and A sessions the completed event will only be available for a short time after the live broadcast. Click the box to open the page...

Did you know your child’s online chat can filter out of the game and onto other, less secure platforms? Find out how to make your child’s new tech safe with this video from the Essex Violence and Vulnerability Unit Click on the box to open the video...

EST Safety Website

Parents / Carers Area

Useful information for parents/carers

Click on the logo to open...

The 2 Johns Online Safety Video - Autumn Term 2021
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