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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

and The Local Offer at Abacus

Mrs Crouch

SENCo/Deputy Head Mrs Hunter

Hello Everybody! I am writing to introduce myself as the new SENCO and Deputy Head Teacher here at Abacus.

I am absolutely delighted to have been appointed to this role and feel excited and privileged to join a school who value and support their children so well, including children with SEND.

I have worked since I qualified as a teacher in 1999 at a local Wickford Primary School teaching in all year groups. For the last 4 years as SENCo and Assistant Head Teacher. As a mum of 3 children, one with SEN, I am absolutely passionate about supporting not only children with additional needs, but their families too. I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all.

Here are our upcoming SEND events. If you would like to book on then please contact the office on 01268 571018.

There are no planned events currently booked. Keep checking back for new events in the future. 

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What is the 'Local Offer'?  
It provides information for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and their parents or carers in a single place.


Our Local Offer

Click to find out more details on our Local Offer

Our Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy can also be read here:

SEN & Disability Policy
The Essex SENDIASS is a confidential and impartial information, advice and support service on issues related to special educational needs and disability (SEND). It is free and easy to access. Please see details in their leaflet below.
Essex SENDIASS information leaflet


A family guide from Snap for families who have children with special needs.


A guide to help with lots of ideas for home learning that may suit your child better e.g. life skills and practical activities. However please just let us know if your child is having difficulty accessing the remote learning provided as we can make adaptations for you.

Click on the image to access the latest copies of Snap Matters magazine

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